
Dear Guests,

Not all of you know what homemade ice creams and sorbets made by our confectioners we offer. Come to taste sorbets with the flavour of elderberry, whiskey or figs. Everybody can choose something from our wide selection.

But the real queen is the chocolate sorbet from the world famous Claudio Corallo´s chocolate.

The chocolate comes straight from the plantation São Tomé e Príncipe in Africa, from two enchanting volcanic islands straddling the equator. From plant selection to production of the chocolate, the Claudio Corallo´s Company does the quality control at every step of the production process. As a result of personal care and 41years of experience, Claudio Corallo´s chocolate offers fresh and intense aromas of prime cacao.

Do not hesitate and come to enjoy summer and to taste our sorbets and ice-​creams also in our garden.

Places can be booked by phone +420 222 713 222 or by e-​mail info@aromi.cz.

We look forward to meeting you!

Aromi team