Sunday "Brodetto"

Come to taste the traditional Italian soup coming from fishermen living around Fano - "Brodetto Fanese." The basis is the rockfish and other fish and shellfish.

Sunday open cooking

Every Sunday you can watch our chefs, Radek and Fabio, create a selected menu from seafood.

New dishes on our Menu

We have prepared several new dishes on our Menu. Come to taste our Risotto with porcini mushrooms and special red cow milk parmesan or Green beans salad with panzanella and mint.

Open cooking

On Sunday July, 22th, 2012 you can watch our chef, Radek Hasman, create a selected menu from seafood.

Sunday frying Pan

Every Sunday you can watch our chef, Radek Hasman, create a masterpiece right before your eyes. This Sunday July 15th, 2012, we will serve Risotto with Fresh Mushrooms and Taleggio Fondue.

New desserts at Aromi

We we have prepared a new Dessert Menu for you. Come to taste our Peach and Cherry salad with Pistacctio milk shake or our Vanilla Panna Cotta with Prosseco Syrup and Poached Strawberries. We look forward to seeing you!

Special Pecorari Menu

For Wednesday June 6th we have prepared a special menu to compliment our presentation of wine from the famous producer, Pierpaolo Pecorari. Come and enjoy this exceptional Italian wine and taste our special menu.

Pecorari´s wine in Aromi

For Wednesday June 6th we have prepared a special menu to compliment our presentation of wine from the region Fruili Venezia Giulia from the famous producer, Pierpaolo Pecorari.

Garden opened!

We would like to inform you that we have welcomed summer with our newly opened garden. Come to visit us and enjoy the beautiful weather.

Easter at Aromi

In celebration of the forthcoming Easter Chef Radek Hasman has prepared for you the special menu which will be served during Easter holidays on Sunday and Monday.